ECCO data structure on PO.DAAC (NASA Earthdata Cloud)

ECCO data structure on PO.DAAC (NASA Earthdata Cloud)#

On PO.DAAC and in the NASA Earthdata Cloud, ECCO output is organized in the following hierarchy:

  • Dataset: Typically contains a few variables, spanning the time range of the ECCO v4r4 output (currently 1992-2017). Most datasets are divided (in the time dimension) into hundreds or thousands of granules.

    • Granule: Dataset variables at a specific time (monthly mean, daily mean, or snapshot). Exceptions are 1-D time series where the entire dataset only consists of one granule.

      • Variable: A specific geophysical parameter (or flux) representing the state of the ocean, atmosphere, or sea ice/snow cover. Individual variables are not visible through the NASA Earthdata website, but can be seen after a granule file has been opened.

Each dataset has a dataset code called a ShortName which is used to identify it on the cloud. In order to download particular variable(s), you need to identify the ShortName associated with the dataset containing those variables. You can search for the variables in the linked text files below, or download these files for your reference.

Dataset ShortNames and variables associated with them#

ECCO v4r4 llc90 Grid Dataset Variables - Monthly Means

ECCO v4r4 llc90 Grid Dataset Variables - Daily Means

ECCO v4r4 llc90 Grid Dataset Variables - Daily Snapshots

ECCO v4r4 0.5-Deg Interp Grid Dataset Variables - Monthly Means

ECCO v4r4 0.5-Deg Interp Grid Dataset Variables - Daily Means

ECCO v4r4 Time Series and Grid Parameters

Note that unlike earlier releases of ECCO v4, in v4r4 all monthly mean variables are also available for download as daily means. Snapshots (typically at daily intervals) are available for a few variables, and can be used to help close budgets as shown in later tutorials.